Prosthodontics is a dental specialty that pertains to diagnosis , treatment planning , rehabilitation and maintenance of oral function, comfort , appearance oral health of patients with clinical conditions associates with missing or deficient teeth and oral maxillofacial tissues.
Deciding which tooth replacement method will work best for you can be rather daunting. Our specialist with their expertly will plan and advice you the most suitable and esthetic method of replacement.
Advanced methods of replacements includes removable partial dentures , fixed partial dentures , crowns and bridges and implants , removable /fixed/implant supported complete dentures.(all on four)
Removable partial denture is a method of tooth replacement that can easily be taken out of the mouth for cleaning.
Partial dentures have replacement teeth are attached to a plastic base/acrylic base that matches the color of the gums and often have form of clasp.
The advanced technique allow us to provide flexible dentures , that makes you feel the most comfortable.
Placing a crown or a bridge involves multiple visits .taking support from a healthy tooth for a bridge makes us think about IMPLANTS.
We provide the most esthetic ALL CERAMIC / ZIRCONIA crowns being the best .We do provide ceramic and metal crowns when needed
Providing temporary bridge in between appointments with sophisticated materils will make us stand unique.
Silicone based impression materials are used that makes the work more specific and comfortable
Titanium fixtures are placed into edentulous ridges to support removable or fixed dental prostheses enabling restoration of dentition. There are several categories of endosseous implants available for soft tissue levels, Tri-channel correction, internal conical correction, external Hex correction, bone level implants etc.
The implant has four components the implant body, the cover screw, the healing abutment and the transmucosal abutment.
The body of the implant is screw-shaped that are inserted into prior-drilled corresponding holes to seat the implant. There are basically two designs the single-part design and multipart design.
The cover screw is placed on top of the implant and immediately after placement of the implant body.
Healing abutment is placed after osseointegration of the implant into the surrounding bone and after the implant is exposed and the cover screw is displaced. The healing abutment projects through the mucosa for maintainance of the mucosal penetration.
Finally the transmucosal abutment acts as a link to the implant body and the prosthesis which is normally made of titanium. These are generally prefabricated and available in different sizes.
Sparks Cosmetic and Dental Centre specializes in surgical remedies in totally edentulous patients and partially edentulous patients.
In totally edentulous patients, removable prostheses are used to replace unstable regular dentures. The implants provide the dentures better stability. Patients uncomfortable with classic dentures usually choose implants for heightened stability, functionality and cosmesis.
For partially edentulous patients, implant placement is a standard care that is applied to maintain tooth structure. Large edentulous spaces may require abutments without any need to modify the adjacent teeth.
Imaging studies are carried out which may include
Bone density determination is extremely important for the success of the implant. It actually assesses the requirement of a bone augmentation incase of extensive loss of alveolar bone.
Bone augmentation is carried out prior to implantation in instances where alveolar bone loss has been significant. Autogenous bone is taken from the iliac crest and grafted which produces an osteogenic response. Good soft tissue closure ensures successful bone grafting along with appropriate choice of grafting material.
Choice of dental implant depends on where the implant has to be placed, bone density, length of usage, stress determinants and aesthetic goals.
Presurgical oral disinfection is carried out with 0.12% chiorhexidine gluconate. It may also include antibacterial rinses also done with chlorhexidine.
MandibularSurgery is a two-step mandibular procedure beginning with surgical flapping of gingival tissue. The implant is inserted with the help of a low-torque wrench. The implant screw is then placed and flap is resutured completing tissue coverage. This is then left in place for 3-4 months.
MaxillarySurgery is carried out especially due to the porous nature of the maxillary bone and due to its weak density. Surgical procedures can be difficult due to the softness of the bone which can result in lateral perforations. With these special challenges and adding to it inadequate bone height, bone augmentation is accomplished for lifting the floor of the maxillary sinus without perforating the sinus membrane. The implant, in a maxillary surgery is left in place for about 4 – 6 months.