Orthognathic Surgery

What is orthognathic surgery?Orthognathic surgery is cosmetic jaw correction surgery. It treats conditions related to the jaw to reposition upper jaw, lower jaw or both. Jaw reconstruction surgery helps in treating malocclusion problems, TMJ disorders, sleep apnea and other conflicts arising at the jaw. Bones are cut and re-aligned and fixed with screws and plates.Orthognathic sugery repositions the upper and lower jaws in appropriate anatomical positions restoring facial balance and appearance. Facial structures and appearance are enhanced revealing aesthetically pleasant features, as a result orthognathic surgery.

Need for orthognathic surgery
Difficulty in chewing food
Difficulty in swallowing
Jaw joint pain
Excessive wearing of upper teeth
Open bite
Imbalanced facial appearance
Injury to the face affecting the jaw
Congenital defects of the jaw
Receding chin
Inability to make lips meet
Breathing through the mouth
Sleep apnea – problems with breathing when asleep such as snoring
Difficulty speaking

Initial treatment Physical exam and initial consultation will determine the condition of the jaw and its treatment process. Braces might be fixed to straighten teeth in both the jaws so that they align properly. Before the surgery simulation of jaw movements may be done and acrylic splints constructed to be used at the time of the surgery.

SurgeryAfter administration of general anaesthesia, incisions are made inside the mouth to uncover the bony surfaces of the jaw. The mobile fragments of the jaw are moved into position using the acrylic splints. The jaws are fixed into the correct position and bone plates and screws applied. Depending on the complexity, the operation might last anywhere from 3 to 5 hours.

Post operative treatment It usually takes a patient an average of 3-4 months to recover completely and achieve a fit. The braces are gradually removed and extensive post-operative care is planned for the patient. Some swelling may be noted in the area which is simply due to trauma of the surgery which subsides in about 5 days. Nasal and sinus congestion along with difficulty in chewing food will be experienced for a few days following post operative recovery.

Practice Hours

Monday to Saturday

09:00 AM to 08:00 PM

Sparks Dental Centre

  • Spark Dental Centre
    AP-732, G-Block 2nd Street, 11th Main Road, Anna Nagar, Chennai-600040. Opposite To Tamil Nadu Reserve Forest Dept
  • +91-44-42123262, +91-6379749959
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