General dentistry


Tumors of the jaw

Soft tissue tumours: Soft tissues are connective tissues, adipose tissues, skeletal muscles and supportive tissues of the peripheral nervous system. Histologic classifications of the soft tissue tumours are based on its morphological demonstrations. Overall soft tissue tumours are heterogenous and composite mesenchymal lesions with extensive differentiations. Developing in the connective tissue, the soft tissue sarcoma is an uncommon incidence of cancer. They possess a wide spectrum of biological behaviour with about 50 histologic subtypes. They are broadly distributed in terms of occurrence as:

  • Extremities 40%
  • Trunk 10%
  • Retroperitoneum 16%
  • Viscera 22%
  • Other sites, head and neck 12%

Jaw bone tumours: Osteosarcomas are malignant tumours of the bone rising histologically known to produce malignant osteoids. They predominantly emerge mesenchymal cells responsible for the formation of bones. Odontogenic mandibular cysts or tumours of the jaw bone are structures lined with odontogenic epithelium and are defined by their location rather than their histologic attributes. There are several types of odontogenic cysts:

Periapical cyst: Periapical cysts are one of the most common of odontogenic cysts with etiological presentations related to tooth infection which in turn leads to the necrosis of the pulp.

Dentigerous cyst: Also one of the common odontogenic cysts, develops in the confines of the dental follicle that encompasses an unformed tooth. It is not neoplastic and frequently found in the mandibular and maxillary third molars and maxillary canines.

Lateral periodontal cyst: These are non-inflammatory cysts, small, radiolucent and well demarcated. They are found in the mandibular premolar space and sometimes in the maxillary anterior.

Primordial cyst: Cystic degeneration of a formative dental follicle which does not complete odontogenesis is called a primordial cyst. It is rare and diagnosis is subject to complete dental history of a patient.

Odontogenic Kertocyst: Kertocystic odontogenic tumours are of extreme importance with histologic diagnosis. They are aggressive lesions, grow rather rapidly, difficult to remove and recurrent.

Practice Hours

Monday to Saturday

09:00 AM to 08:00 PM

Sparks Dental Centre

  • Spark Dental Centre
    AP-732, G-Block 2nd Street, 11th Main Road, Anna Nagar, Chennai-600040. Opposite To Tamil Nadu Reserve Forest Dept
  • +91-44-42123262, +91-6379749959
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