Older adults require dental care, diagnosis and treatment which may be associated with the normal aging process or age-related diseases. Sparks Cosmetic and Dental Centre in Anna Nagar consists of an interdisciplinary team of doctors and surgeons proficient in geriodontics or geriatric dentistry.
Geriatric patients are provided a complete range of treatments such as periodontics, bridge work, crown placements, restorative treatments, oral surgeries and other preventive care. The twentieth and twenty first centuries witnessing human longevity and aging around the world, due to increased health care and sanitiation facilities. The mouth is regarded as the mirror of overall well-being of an individual thereby reinforcing importance on the oral health of the individual.
Most elderly patients require planned treatment because of their low tolerance levels. At Sparks Cosmetic and Dental Centre, age characterizations are based upon the individual’s ability to perform higher degrees of independent functions.
Medical and familial history: It is extremely important to gather the medical and family history of an elderly patient. These details are extremely crucial in the diagnosis, planning, treatment and prognosis. All lists of medications and dosages to update the dental team.
Treament administration: In an aging patient all dental, medical and functional considerations are necessary to administer the right kind of treatment. Changes in tooth structures have to be noted carefully and the impact of medical conditions are to be taken into account while providing restorative treatment. Materials that may be used to restore carous lesions are amalgams, auto-cured and dual-cured glass ionomer cements, composite resins and dentin bonding materials.
Patient comfort: Older patients have impaired physical mobility, low sensory perceptions and irregular breathing patterns. It is extremely imperative that a patient is relaxed before a treatment. If the patient is in a wheelchair they are brought to the clinic and lined up to the level of the dental chair to ensure their comfort.