What happens?Development of the palate entails the formation of the primary palate first and then the secondary palate. The fusion of the medial and lateral nasal and the maxillary processes occur at about 37 days of gestational duration. Functional deformities of the cleft lip and palate occur when the requisite muscles fail to fuse with their coorelatives during embryonic development.CLP or cleft lip and palate deformities are clearly distinguished against cleft and palate (CP) anomalies and both are believed to have multifactorial etiologies. Both are differentiated on the basis of genetic and embryonic factors with both being having perceptible syndromes. Technological advances in DNA diagnostics aid in early diagnosis of the cleft lip and palate anomalies prenatally.

Managing cleft lip and palate deformities:

Neonatal management Patients with Robin Sequence present with respiratory distress and feeding difficulties. Comprehensive care would primarily require to secure the airway – the children have normal sucking reflexes but fail to produce negative pressure. The nutrition is therefore delivered through an external feeding bottle with large openings.

Unilateral cleft repairNormally performed during the 1st year of the child, the procedure is performed following the “rules of 10”

Haemoglobin > 10 g
Age > 10 weeks
Weight > 10 lb.

Local tissue flaps are used for reconstruction and closure of the deformity.

Presurgical orthodonticsPalatal segments are adjusted into normal positions using simple devices. Splints are placed across the face to align the premaxilla before conducting a standard cleft lip repair is conducted. The cheeks and prolabium are secured with adhesive tape for initial correction of bilateral clefts. These devices aid in converting a wide and complete cleft lip into a restricted incomplete lip thereby decreasing dehiscence and tension of the wound upon surgery.

Bilateral cleft lip repairBilateral cleft lip deformity is rare and the surgical outcomes are usually dependant on the position of the premaxillary sinus, the level of asymmetry and sufficiency of the deformity. It is due to this that presurgical orthodontics align the maxillary arch and the premaxilla.

Sparks Dental Clinic’s surgeons manage and correct paediatric cleft lip and palate deformities by conducting complex procedures such as repair of cleft lip, repair of cleft palate, closure of palatal fistulae, alveolar cleft bone grafting, cleft lip septoplasty, cleft lip rhinoplasty and LeFort I maxillary osteotomy to name a few.

Practice Hours

Monday to Saturday

09:00 AM to 08:00 PM

Sparks Dental Centre

  • Spark Dental Centre
    AP-732, G-Block 2nd Street, 11th Main Road, Anna Nagar, Chennai-600040. Opposite To Tamil Nadu Reserve Forest Dept
  • +91-44-42123262, +91-6379749959
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