Surgeons at Sparks Dental recognize the aesthetic need for chin augmentation along with rhinoplasty or rhytidectomyin restoring facial symmetry and balance. We believe that the chin defines the face and for long a person with a long chin is immediately associated with power.
Chin augmentation is usually integrated with rhinoplasty and rhytidectomy procedures to tackle problems of the prejowl sulcus. It helps in the correction of retrusion of the chin or microgenia which is a distinct form or a component of micrognathia. Microgenia or small chin is common deformity and usually detected during a rhinoplasty evaluation.
Chin deformities should be reviewed on the vertical, transverse and AP planes since the morphology of the mandibular symphysis varies from individual to individual. Geniplasties can reduce and advance the chin.
Advancement genioplasty: Augmentation or advancement genioplasty can elevate chin projection by using an autogenous bone graft and conducting a sliding horizontal osteotomy of the mandibular symphysis.
Reduction genioplasty:Reduction genioplasty is an adjunctive procedure and can be performed in the anteroposterior and vertical planes.